Frequently Asked Question


Anti-Corruption Network is a non- profit registered organization actively working to stop corruption in Nepal.  It is dedicated to combat against corruption in various sectors of society, including government, business, and civil society. 

Corruption has undermined democratic institutions, economic development, and social progress in Nepal. Anti-corruption Network efforts to ensure transparency, accountability, and fairness in all aspects of society. 

You can get involved by taking its membership at your accessible level of Anti- Corruption Network. You can participate in our activities by attending our events, volunteering, participating in campaigns, and using your skills to contribute to ACN efforts. 

Corruption can violate human rights by diverting resources meant for public welfare, undermining the rule of law, and fostering inequality. Anti-corruption organizations often emphasize the link between corruption and human rights abuses.

Effectiveness can be measured through various indicators such as reduced bribery rates, improved transparency rankings, increased public trust, successful prosecutions, and enhanced accountability mechanisms. 

Anti-Corruption Network collaborates with government by providing expertise, advocating for policy changes, and monitoring the implementation of anti-corruption measures. ACN also puts pressure on governments to take action against corruption. 

Whistleblowers play a crucial role in exposing corruption by reporting inside information on unethical or illegal practices. Anti-corruption Network often advocates for legal protections and support for whistleblowers. 

You can support Anti-Corruption Network by donating funds, volunteering, participating in their campaigns, advocating for anti-corruption policies, and reporting instances of corruption. 

Anti-corruption organizations engage in activities such as awareness campaigns, advocacy for legal reforms, investigative research, whistleblower protection, and capacity building for institutions. 

Corruption leads to misallocation of resources, decreased foreign investment, reduced economic growth, and increased poverty. Anti-corruption efforts aim to create an environment conducive to sustainable economic development.

ACN provides channels for reporting corruption confidentially. This involves using hotlines, online platforms, or contacting ACN local offices.

No, Anti-corruption Network operates at three tier levels i.e. central, province and local levels. We are extending our network in all federal, seven provinces and 753 local (government) levels.

As provided in the article no. 9 of the Regulatory Act of the Anti- corruption Network, any Nepalese citizen above 18 years can get membership of the ACN. The ACN provides three types of membership.

  1. Founder members

  2. Common Members

  3. Honorary Members


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